Hospitality was the key outreach strategy of the early church and is the same today. Outreach that does not have friendship making as its foundation will reap few.
The Adventist pioneer Ellen White wrote, “It is through the social relations that Christianity comes in contact with the world.” Christ showed us that making friends is the first step that gives us opportunity to ministry to people and then invite them in to experience the family of God.
- Elders Retreat – I Was A Stranger Handout GROW Conference Seminar Notes
- I Was A Stranger: This presentation explores the ministry of hospitality (Video)
- Making Room For Life: How do you find time to connect with people (Video)
- From Car Park to Couch Seminar: A church needs to be a friendship making machine (Video)
- Acts – Church Community: The book of Acts sets out the principles for how we should do church in the 21st century. Video